Which will be presented in the same style of cutscenes seen elsewhere in the game. The narrative grounding sheds some light on the Ancestor’s early days. This will provide you with new challenges at every difficulty level. Hence experienced alongside the main Darkest Dungeon content. Red Hook have recently explained a bit more of their plans for Crimson Court. So we know that most of the mods should work on Linux. However, before using the mods, Red Hook Studios does recommend backing up your saves. Which comes with hundreds of new enemy variants, quests, more potions and re-balancing. Or change some UI tweaks, make things all snowy and even go completely Pitch Black Dungeon. While others include new classes, Pit Fighter and a rework of the Musketeer. The first one adds more colour options for characters. So here are some of the more popular mods. Which should all be agnostic and work on Linux. While also including new classes and making gameplay more challenging. Hence the Mods cover everything from to a slight makeover with UI tweaks. Since we have a while to wait for Darkest Dungeon’s expansion, Crimson Curse.
#The best mods for darkest dungeon install
Which is easy to find and install mod support on Linux.

Right now in gaming news, it looks like Darkest Dungeon has launched a Steam Workshop support.